Factory-X is a Lighthouse Project for Manufacturing-X

Upcoming events

Manufacturing-X Technical Council

🇩🇪 in German | Online
24.10.24, 13:00 – 14:30 Uhr

Factory-X verfolgt die Zielsetzung unter Verwendung von Ergebnissen von Catena-X eine IT/SW-technische Basis (den „Factory-X Kernel“) für Software-Lösungen in Manufacturing-X zu schaffen. Im M-X Technical Council werden die Ansätze – entsprechend des Projektfortschrittes – vorgestellt und zu Feedback eingeladen.

Customer Sounding Board

🇩🇪 in German | Online
23.10.24, 13:00 – 14:30 Uhr

In Factory-X werden für 11 Use Cases verschiedene sogenannte Business Applikationen (Software-Lösungen) konzipiert, prototypisch entwickelt und validiert. Im Rahmen des Sounding Board werden diese – entsprechend des Projektfortschrittes – vorgestellt und zu Feedback eingeladen.

What is Factory-X?

  • Building the open and collaborative digital ecosystem for Factory Outfitters and Operators upon Catena-X and concepts of Platform Industrie 4.0​
  • Focus on 11 dedicated use cases to extend the existing horizontal supply chain-oriented use cases and add vertical use cases to integrate the operation of shop floors​
  • Under the leadership of Siemens and SAP, 47 partners are working together in this strong consortium, supplemented by 10 associated partners ​(companies, associations and research institutions)​
  • Manufacturing-X wide coordination and establishment of an international Manufacturing-X network​
  • Project started on February 1st, 2024​
  • Completion of Project by June 2026

Key objectives of Factory-X

Creation of a Factory-X digital ecosystem, considering existing standards

Cross-manufacturer data consistency for engineering, device information and condition monitoring
Contribution to sustainability through CO2 footprint- and energy management, as well as digital solutions to support a circular economy​
Provision of digital solutions for „as a Service“ business models (e.g., marketplace/pay-per-part, remote control/monitoring)​

Traceability of materials, data, and products along the entire supply chain​

Update and change management for devices in the field